Roald Dahl Rotsome and Repulsant Words
Artikelnummer: 9780192777461 OverzichtNow in a new format, this little hardback book is full of Roald Dahl's most rotsome language as well as a raft of snippets of serious language facts for cheeky chiddlers. This little book is full of vermicious tips, definitions and examples from the World's No.1 storyteller.
- A little hardback giftbook which takes a light-hearted look at the naughtiest words and phrases created by the World's No.1 Storyteller Roald Dahl
- Builds vocabulary with real words, language facts, origins and more
- A dip-in and dip-out fun and anarchic way for children aged 7+ to learn
- A selection of the most mischievous naughty words, definitions and examples from the Oxford Roald Dahl Dictionary plus much more!