The Regulators

Artikelnummer: 9781444723526
Artikel 775 van 1074
€ 13,30 (inclusief btw)

Wentworth, Ohio: a small friendly town where the Carver children bicker over sweets in the E-Z shop and writer Johnny Marinville is the only resident who minds his own business. On Poplar Street, apart from the impending storm, it's just a normal summer's day - with Frisbees flying, lawn mowers humming and barbeques grilling. As the paperboy makes his round, he is unaware of the chrome red van idling up the hill .

. . Soon the residents will be caught up in a game of wills as the regulators arrive in force to face a child whose powers of expression are just awakening.

If you like THE REGULATORS, don't miss DESPERATION, written as an unidentical pair.


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