
Artikelnummer: 9781444720709
Artikel 800 van 1074
€ 13,30 (inclusief btw)

'This is the story of a lover's triangle...It was bad from the start. And it got worse in a hurry'. King's bestselling supernatural tale is about a boy, his girlfriend and a '58 Plymouth Fury called Christine.

Christine is eating into his mind, burrowing into his unconscious. Christine, blood-red, fat, and finned, is twenty. Her promise lies all in her past.

Greedy and big, she is Arnie's obsession, a '58 Plymouth Fury. Broken down but not finished. There is still power in her - a frightening power that leaks like sump oil, staining and corrupting.

A malign power that corrodes the mind and turns ownership into Possession.


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