
Artikelnummer: 9781426329074
Artikel 136 van 137
€ 5,00 (inclusief btw)

This new line follows upon the success of the traditional National Geographic Kids Readers--but adds a twist with 100 fast, fun facts sprinkled throughout the book. This winning combination in the beginning reader category maintains the same careful text, brilliant photographs, and fun approach to the high-interest topics, such as dogs, that have proved to be an effective formula with kids. Kids will dig learning all about dogs in this new National Geographic Kids Reader. The level 3 text provides accessible yet wide-ranging information for fluent readers. Plus, the book includes 100 fun facts for quick and quirky information on all kinds of dogs, from tiny Chihuahuas to gargantuan Great Danes! The Fact Readers bridge the gap between fun knowledge nuggets and informative sustained reading.


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