
Artikelnummer: 9781426309229
Artikel 82 van 137
€ 5,00 (inclusief btw)

National Geographic Readers have been a hit in this competitive beginning reader category, and this book follows up that success with the same careful text, brilliant photographs, and fun approach to high interest kid subjects that has proven to be a winner. From geckos to iguanas, komodo dragons to chameleons, lizards are about the most awesome animal around! They inhabit every continent except Antarctica. Some are lethal. Some change color. Some have suction cups on their feet. There is enough fascinating information about these animals to fill an entire library of readers! But we've taken the absolute coolest information about the coolest animal and compacted it in this fascinating level 2 reader, perfect for anyone who loves slippery, slimy, creepy, and crawly.


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