Pope Francis

Artikelnummer: 9781426322532
Artikel 53 van 137
€ 5,00 (inclusief btw)

National Geographic Readers have been a hit in the competitive beginning reader category, and this book follows upon that success with the same careful text, brilliant photographs, and fun approach to the high-interest, fascinating subjects that has proved to be a winning formula with kids. In this book we focus on Pope Francis -- the most popular and media-savvy Pope in decades -- who is sure to generate even more attention with his Fall 2015 planned visit to the U.S. Meet Pope Francis. Born Jorge Mario Bergoglio in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Pope Francis is the first Pope from the Americas. He's also the first Pope to replace a living one! Learn all about the Pontiff in this level 1 reader, carefully leveled for an early independent reading or read aloud experience.


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