Cats vs. Dogs

Artikelnummer: 9781426307553
Artikel 196 van 587
€ 5,00 (inclusief btw)

National Geographic Readers have been well received in this competitive beginning reader category, and Cats v. Dogs follows up on the success of the previous titles with the same careful text, brilliant photographs, and fun approach that has proven to be a winner. The carefully written script guarantees a successful and rewarding reading experience for kids who at Level 3 are reading on their own. Chocolate or vanilla? Creamy peanut butter or crunchy? Cats or dogs? On some matters in life, every kid must take a stance. Ever since the first youngster in history had a pet, cats vs. dogs has been a hotly debated issue at recesses and lunch tables worldwide. Which one's better? Smarter? This reader presents the facts in fun and informative fashion. Kids will love the stimulating Level 3 text as they decide the answer to this question for themselves.


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