Tadpole to Frog

Artikelnummer: 9781426332036
Artikel 185 van 518
€ 5,00 (inclusief btw)

Caterpillar to butterfly, tadpole to frog--some creatures take growing up to a whole new level! Caterpillar to butterfly, tadpole to frog--some creatures take growing up to a whole new level!

Learn all about how animals grow and change in this leveled Co-reader, perfect for parents and kids to read together. Through vibrant, adorable images and expert-vetted text, you'll glimpse some of the most amazing metamorphoses in the natural world. Kids will see a tadpole transform into a frog, watch a caterpillar become a butterfly, and learn how a nymph becomes a dragonfly.

National Geographic Kids Readers have been a hit in the beginning reader category, and this book builds upon that success with a new approach--parents and children reading together. With the same combination of careful text, brilliant photographs, and fun approach to high-interest subjects that has proved to be a winning formula with kids, National Geographic Co-readers provide one page of adult read-aloud and one page of kid read-aloud text on each spread, building toward a collaborative reading experience.


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