Oxford Bookworms Library Level 4: The Whispering Knights

Artikelnummer: 9780194791946
Artikel 349 van 453
€ 14,60 (inclusief btw)

Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR. I don't know that you have done anything wrong,' Miss Hepplewhite said. 'But it is possible that you have done something rather dangerous.' William and Susie thought they were just playing a game when they cooked a witch's brew in the old barn and said a spell over it, but Martha was not so sure.And indeed,the three friends soon learn that they have called up something dark and evil out of the distant past... CEFR B1/B2 Word count 17,100"The most consistent of all series in terms of language control, length, and quality of story."  David R. Hill, Director of the Edinburgh Project on Extensive Reading.


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